#iSoc12 Photographic impressions & some tweets
At iSoc, we work hard, but we also have fun. You can see both in these pictures and tweets.
#iSoc12 : Defintely an #iRail event ! twitter.com/stefroelandt/s…
— Stephane Roelandt (@stefroelandt) July 2, 2012
Ten more minutes and the #iSoc12 #hackathon is over… Whooaaaa STRESS voor iedereen 😀 — Miet Claes (@Choisissez) July 3, 2012

The Mobile Vikings team: Jens, Lennart, Hannes, Koen.
I’m having so much fun with all the languages at #iSoc12 (English, French, Dutch, Dunglish, Frenglish, Frutch/Dench if that exists, …)! 😀
— Greet Derudder (@greetd) July 4, 2012
We have a stayer #iSoc12 /cc @choisissez twitter.com/pietercolpaert… — Pieter Colpaert (@pietercolpaert) July 4, 2012
Kwam binnen om te praten over de gentsefeesten data, kwam buiten met een zicht op wat Code9000 allemaal doet. Today is a good day #iSoc12
— jan vansteenlandt (@coreation) July 5, 2012

Michael and Thomas consult with Bart Rosseau of Stad Gent about Kot@Gent.
You can learn more at #iSoc12 in one week then in one year at school. Very interesting week with the #code9000 team. — Sam Verschueren (@SamVerschueren) July 6, 2012
You know your student job is awesome when you start missing it on the second day of your vacation in Egypt. #iSoc12
— Thomas Tuts (@haiQt) July 6, 2012
Dear students at #iSoc12, it’s weekend, stop working. Thank you — iRail (@iRail) July 7, 2012
Kristische @joke in the house. #iSoc12 twitter.com/hannesvdvreken…
— Hannes Van De Vreken (@hannesvdvreken) July 10, 2012
De youngsters van #FlatTurtle @glennbostoen @NikTorfs aan het werk. Ze leren hier veel op #iSoc12! twitter.com/hannesvdvreken… — Hannes Van De Vreken (@hannesvdvreken) July 10, 2012
Uurtje terug van #iSoc12. 1-minute ervaring van #code9000, daarna 15min vragen gesteld & suggesties/tips. Gedreven team van studenten 🙂
— Philippe De Pauw (@drdynscript) July 10, 2012

Yeri and Pieter work alongside the FlatTurtle team.
Even when everyone else stops working to celebrate the “Day of the Flemish Community”, we at iRail keep going! #iSoc12 — Jeppe Knockaert (@JeppeKnockaert) July 11, 2012

Peter De Bock advises the Code9000 team on their app.
Tiramisu by @greetdinstagr.am/p/M8EInAOwVI/
— Hannes Van De Vreken (@hannesvdvreken) July 11, 2012
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