Category Archives for Summer of code

open Summer of code 2017

You probably know we’re organizing, since 2011 already, open Summer of code, where we hire up to 30 students to work on open source projects. Today, we’re looking for students to hire! Thanks to OASIS, a 50% grant from the … Continue reading

04. February 2017 by Pieter Colpaert
Categories: Summer of code | Leave a comment

Soft-launching occupancy scores in the API

Hi all, In May 2016, TreinTramBus and iRail successfully finished a crowd-funding campaign called Spitsgids, in which we were able to raise €4140 from 121 believers. We promised to hire students during open Summer of code 2016 and to open … Continue reading

28. July 2016 by Pieter Colpaert
Categories: Summer of code | Leave a comment

August updates

Hi all, It’s been since April that we haven’t done another community update. Back then, we announced our migration to new servers, we’ve announced that we would have 2 students at open Summer of code 2015 and that we would … Continue reading

11. August 2015 by Pieter Colpaert
Categories: News & events, open data, Summer of code | 1 comment

Students open timetables of Belgian railway company

Two students have opened the timetables of the NMBS, the Belgian railway company, as open data. App-developers can use this data to build innovative and user-friendly apps, like smartwatch-applications or even an integration in the routeplanner of Google Maps. You … Continue reading

29. July 2015 by Brecht
Categories: iRail, NMBS, open data, Summer of code | Leave a comment

We’ve got 2 students at open Summer of code 2015

In the April update we’ve shouted out for people who wanted to help funding students to work on iRail datasets during open Summer of code 2015. And guess what? We’ve had a response! Thanks to #iSoc12 alumna Miet Claes and … Continue reading

11. June 2015 by Pieter Colpaert
Categories: Summer of code | Leave a comment

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