Tag Archives for sncb
iRail translations
I’m looking for people to test out the iRail website in the four different languages, to check for any spelling mistakes. Should you find any, please report them to bugs[@]irail[.]be. Thanks!
iRail updates
I’ve made some more changes to iRail; small link (top, left corner) to refresh/go to the main page fixed an issue where the dropdown menus would display HH:MM when it should be HH+1:MM – e.g. if the time was 17h55, … Continue reading
iRail.be will be the new domain for my NMBS/SNCB iPhone Route Planner. And expect some more updates by the end of the week. 🙂
Route Planner translation
I’ve started translating little bits of the website, into French, Dutch and German (though some of it is still in English). I’ll be translating more the coming days (if it’s needed). Please report all typo’s you should encounter. You can … Continue reading
Route Planner station auto-complete
I’ve built-in a new function; the station name “auto-complete“. When starting to type in a station name (starting at the 3rd char), it will suggest station names, and you can just tab them to select. I made a txt file … Continue reading