Category Archives for apps

Guest Post: comparing the NMBS/SNCB, Railer and OnTracks iPhone apps

Since the disappearance of Railtime, the official NMBS/SNCB app was the only provider of travel information for the Belgian railways I was aware of. A few months ago, I got to know Railer, an initiative of the open data working … Continue reading

18. August 2015 by Arne Nys
Categories: apps, NMBS | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

April updates

Railtime is gone! It was an app which was perceived by many users as an app which offered a better user experience than the official NMBS/SNCB app (an app bought from a German service provider which was adapted for Belgium). … Continue reading

22. April 2015 by Pieter Colpaert
Categories: apps, BeTrains, iRail, job offer, NMBS, open data, Politics, Summer of code, TEC, The DataTank | 1 comment

Next Train for the Pebble smart watch comes to Belgium

We have news from the app front: the guys behind Next Train in The Netherlands have expanded their app for the smart watch Pebble to Belgium. ‘Next Train’ shows the time remaining until departure of your train on your Pebble smart … Continue reading

10. December 2014 by Pieter Colpaert
Categories: apps, NMBS | Leave a comment