Category Archives for open data
Open data
Students open timetables of Belgian railway company
Two students have opened the timetables of the NMBS, the Belgian railway company, as open data. App-developers can use this data to build innovative and user-friendly apps, like smartwatch-applications or even an integration in the routeplanner of Google Maps. You … Continue reading
A law for Open Transport Data in Belgium
Today is the day that the minister of the Digital Agenda Alexander De Croo announced to create a law before the summer that will oblige NMBS/SNCB to open up their data. #digitalbelgium : open data de regel voor federale overheid … Continue reading
April updates
Railtime is gone! It was an app which was perceived by many users as an app which offered a better user experience than the official NMBS/SNCB app (an app bought from a German service provider which was adapted for Belgium). … Continue reading
FAQ: Railtime is stopping, can we (still) use your API?
In the past few days, we’ve got a lot of questions whether iRail will keep existing and what the impact of railtime disappearing will be on the iRail webservices. Answer: iRail will keep existing and will keep publishing realtime data … Continue reading
TEC and their open data policy
Last year, at Open Belgium 2014, TEC announced they would be doing Open Data. In May, the first BELTAC format was released, and not much later, we had converted it to GTFS (thanks to OpenOV): the facto standard that the … Continue reading